Stand-alone solutions
Compact automated dosing systems according to individual requirements

Highly specialized processes cannot always be mapped with existing production concepts. Individual solutions are often required. We are a competent, qualified partner for the construction of customised metering and mixing systems. DOPAG develops individual solutions which are precisely matched to the application. Planning, design and conustruction of the automated metering and mixing system is carried out in close cooperation. Because only a plant which is precisely matched to the requirements ensures smooth production and contributes to the success of the business.
Contact us and send us your requirements for your special plant. We will be pleased to advise you!
Cooperation in partnership
Not only has DOPAG decades of experience in dosing technology, but also in the building of special machines. This makes for an ideal prerequisite for the development of solutions that are tailored precisely to customers’ applications. At DOPAG, the detailed analysis of each application case is considered the single most important step of the whole process, because only on the back of that can the customer receive a product that truly meets the highest requirements. Each system is tested in an in-house technical center with an extensive series of measurements. The customer is invited to accept the system here first, before another acceptance takes place later on site.
The planning, design and commissioning of the dosing system are always carried out in close, partnership-based cooperation with the customer. For DOPAG customers, this means the ability to work on the project with same points of contact right from the project start, through its delivery and even up to the stage when After Sales and Customer Care are needed. This brings the benefit of uncomplicated, fast and accountable service.
Proven dispensing technology
Proven, high-quality technology by DOPAG is used for the metering and mixing process. The available metering systems include single- and double-action piston metering systems with hydraulic or electric drives, as well as gear pumps and progressive cavity pumps with three-phase-asynchronous or servo motors. Our metering systems offer error-free processing of adhesives, sealants and potting materials on the basis of silicones, polyurethanes, polysulphides, epoxies, acrylics, up to hybrid and other advanced materials. The application method for bonding and sealing is driven by the application, ranging from round beads through triangular beads to roller application.
- Čištění
- Kartáčování
- Nános podkladového nátěru
- Plazma
- Ožeh plamenem
- Pyrosil (na bázi plazmy nebo plynového plamene)
- Corona
- Application for single- and multiple-component adhesives and sealants and potting compounds
- Various robot and coordinate systems, as well as application types (round and triangle beads, spraying, thin layer)
- Precise adhesive application through a reproducible positioning of the applications needle
- Vytvrzovací systémy: infračervené záření, ultrafialové záření (UV), průběžné průmyslové pece, vyrovnávací úseky, technologie středních vln
- Zajištění kvality: objemové měřící systémy, ověřování nanesení materiálové hmoty (umístění a kvalita), kontrola výrobku a proměření
- Archivace procesních dat, vizualizace procesu: nosiče dat (USB, flashcard), síťové připojení, SCADA systémy