DOPAG becomes involved in the Smart Production network
Companies cooperate on the subject "Industry 4.0"

Together with more than 40 other companies and partners, DOPAG will step up its commitment on the subject "Industry 4.0" in the Rhine-Neckar metropole region. To enhance the support, the companies joined together in the Smart Production network. This serves as a technology platform for growth and innovation in the field of "Industry 4.0".
For DOPAG – one of the three brands of the HILGER & KERN GROUP – the subject "Industry 4.0" is playing a crucial role. Also, metering processes in the industrial production will become more and more automated. This applies in particular to industries such as the automobile or the aerospace industry. Due to the continuously rising demand for innovative metering and mixing technology, these industries rate among the key markets for DOPAG.
Furthermore, the subject of qualified employees shall be of special importance within the network in the future. A key partner of the network will be the "Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim (DHBW)". For many years now, DOPAG has cooperated with this institution in the field of education. The network will now bring both partners even closer together.
Targets of the network
To establish the Rhine-Neckar metropole region as a "Hot Spot" for the implementation of "Industry 4.0" – this is the target of the network. The network supports the local (production) companies in the networking with each other and academic institutions, thus boosting their innovation capabilities. Companies and universities will implement application-oriented as well as lighthouse projects. Another objective of the network is to attract qualified employees and researchers and retain them in the region, to secure existing work places and create new ones. Furthermore, the network sees itself as a promoter for company start-ups as well as research facilities/teams at the location.
For further information, please visit the homepage of the Smart Production network: