A new home for DOPAG Shanghai

On August 28th 2016, we celebrated the grand opening of the new DOPAG location in Shanghai together with many customers, distributors and other guests. In addition to the local employees, company representatives from India, Germany, and Switzerland also came to China in order to join us for this event.

With the new location, DOPAG Shanghai evolves from a sales office to a location with a comprehensive infrastructure which grants the company a great potential for growth.

The new facilities include a comprehensive warehouse as well as a modern technical center for product presentations and individual material tests.

During his opening speech, Steffen Knaus, CEO of the HILGER & KERN GROUP emphasized the importance of this development for DOPAG: "With this new infrastructure, we are able to supply our local customers more quickly and improve our local service."

Over the past years, DOPAG has shown continuous growth and is today one of the world's leading providers of metering and mixing technology. "Despite the continuous growth, we are still a family-operated company", explains Dr. Mike Wehmeier, CEO for Marketing and Sales. "Our customers appreciate our international orientation in conjunction with intensive customer relations and rely on our competency and reliability as a family-operated company which has come all this way and employs more than 300 people today."

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