DOPAG thanks Rainer Kunkel for the successful establishment of a new automation division

Over the past two and a half years, Rainer Kunkel has led the development of the new automation business unit. He is now retiring from day-to-day-business, but will continue to support DOPAG in consultancy and on projects.
Kunkel started his activities for DOPAG in January 2016. In his position as the Director of Automation Technologies and Key Application Bonding & Sealing, he successfully established the DOPAG Automation division at the production site in Kierspe, Germany. This has enabled the company to further expand its leading market position in metering and mixing technology and establish itself as an excellent provider of automation solutions. The product portfolio of the business unit includes both single and line integrated production cells as well as the construction of customized dispensing systems for bonding, sealing and potting.
With decades of experience in bonding and sealing technology as well as excellent market knowledge, Kunkel has recognized the needs of the market and developed future-oriented automated dispensing technology with his team. “With his activities and his commitment, we are now closely linked with special machine construction and have established ourselves as a competent partner for automation solutions over the past two years”, says Mike Wehmeier, Managing Director for Sales and Marketing. “We would like to thank him for the close co-operation and the joint successes achieved in setting up DOPAG Automation.”