I mere end 45 år har DOPAG været en førende leverandør af doserings-, blandings- og dispenseringsløsninger af høj kvalitet. Uanset hvor smøremidler, klæbemidler, indstøbningsmaterialer, kompositter og pakninger af PU-skum anvendes i industriel produktion, tilbyder vi pålidelige løsninger. DOPAG leverer systemer og komponenter til mange brancher: fra bilindustrien, vindkraft, husholdningsapparater og filtre til luft- og rumfart - og mange flere.
Det er, hvad du kan forvente af os:
- Alle applikationer fra én leverandør: Vi leverer komponenter såvel som højt automatiserede 1K- og 2K-doseringssystemer til smøring, limning, forsegling, indstøbning og pakning.
- Implementering af specifikke krav: Vi konfigurerer og producerer specialsystemer i henhold til dine individuelle krav.
- Holdbarhed og præcision: Vi har over 45 års erfaring inden for doserings- og blandingsteknologi. Vi udvikler løbende vores produkter og sætter de højeste standarder for kvalitet.
- Salg og service over hele verden: Med vores egne datterselskaber og partnere er vi til stede i mere end 40 lande og sikrer, at din løsning bliver implementeret på dine produktionssteder i hele verden.
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DOPAG Component Portal
Pumps, valves and equipment for your metering and mixing system
Reference projects
Bischof+Klein uses the eldomix to bond packaging for the food industry. We were on site.
Large quantities of adhesive are required in the manufacture of rotor blades. This is achieved with specially developed metering and mixing systems.
Til sikker limning af pensler har vi skræddersyet doserings- og blandingssystemet economix.
Precision is crucial when it comes to planning. Which factors are particularly important and how can common design flaws be avoided?
The vectomix TC metering and mixing system from DOPAG processes thermally conductive materials precisely and cleanly. This application shows the processing of Wacker Semicosil 9672.
Higher quantities in less time - For bonding housings for LED luminaires, DOPAG has configured an automated metering system that meets precisely these requirements.
- Technology, material and component - these three factors must be optimally coordinated for the automated production of PU foam gaskets. DOPAG and Stassen Industries GmbH advise customers together.
SAE Schaltanlagenbau Erfurt relies on the dynamicLine from DOPAG for the individual production of control cabinets. We have visited them on site.
We configured an automated lubricant dispensing system that optimises production processes in the automotive industry.
The eldomix dispensing system fills an impregnation bath for the production of hydrogen tanks using the filament winding process.
Particularly strict conditions apply to production in the medical technology and food industries. A special configuration from DOPAG enables the use of the dispensing system in the clean room.
When is it beneficial to switch from manual dispensing to a metering and mixing machine? - We support you to identify all relevant influencing variables.
Learn all about Form-In-Place-Foam Gasketing (FIPFG) and how it’s already begun revolutionizing engineering industries and applications around the world.
PU gaskets and potting compounds protect the sensitive electronics in a wallbox against dust, dirt and moisture. We offer solutions for both applications.
We offer dispensing systems for a reliable application of adhesives and sealants in the manufacturing of liquefied natural gas (LNG) transport tanks.
The contactless application of lubricants meets all conditions for complex, automated production processes and is now standard in many industries. We present the options.
With the dynamicLine, DOPAG provides an automated and clean application of PU foam gaskets on recyclable HEPA filters from the Swiss manufacturer Tecnofil.
The Swiss start-up dhp technology constructed the world’s first retractable solar roof. The individual modules are manufactured with dispensing technology from DOPAG.
With the dynamicLine, DOPAG offers a system for both applications and thus enables an efficient, automated series production.
DOPAG offers special dispensing stations for the manual application of lubricants. With the help of an adapter, components such as O-rings and other seals can be greased or oiled manually.
Self-adhesive labels and stickers are produced with silicone coating via coating systems. We provide the metering system to ensure material feed.
DOPAG provided a metering and mixing system for potting electronics boards for e-bike battery packs.
With the dynamicLine, DOPAG offers an efficient solution for series production of PU foam gaskets in all industries.
The metering and mixing system volumix provides a smart solution for filling cartridges with adhesives and sealants in aircraft production.
For the production of plastic filter elements, DOPAG configured and automated metering and mixing system.
DOPAG provides an individual solution for the application of one-component sealant in the production of cardan shafts for special vehicles.
With the dynamicLine, DOPAG offers an efficient solution for series production of PU foam gaskets in all industries.
DOPAG develops a metering and mixing system for adhesive bonding of automotive components to ensure uniform standards worldwide.
DOPAG offers furniture manufacturers flexible and reliable solutions for the automated application of lubricants.
For the automated application of PU gaskets to control cabinet doors, DOPAG provides a dynamic mixing system in combination with a linear robot and shuttle sliding tables.
With the dispensing system coredis, the honeycomb core of sandwich panels, which are used for the interior of aircraft, could be filled homogeneously.
DOPAG successfully supported a truck manufacturer with a dispensing system for the manual application of a single-component sealant.
- Valves for the spray application of grease and oil. Contactless application of lubricants in areas difficult to access.
Precise potting of filters and filter elements is necessary for high safety and purity. DOPAG supported a global manufacturer with individually configured metering and mixing systems.
- With the dynamicLine from DOPAG, customers will be able to implement gasketing and bonding applications with just one system.
The requirements for the type of lubricant dispensing vary and always depend on the application being carried out. Learn here more about the four key factors for successful system design!
The membrane dispensing valve ensures a clean application and a high reliability in automated dosing processes.
Using thermal gap fillers leads to more advanced metering technology requirements - learn more about the solutions from DOPAG.
Compared to manually inserted seals, automatically applied PU gaskets offer many advantages.
DOPAG presents the shot valve in a new video: It is perfectly suited for contactless material application in highly automated processes.
The control cabinet manufacturer Fandis applies foam gaskets on various components. DOPAG has designed a FIPFG system for this application.
DOPAG has developed two special lubricant application systems for the production of ball screws in automotive industry.
The eldomix dispensing system fills material reservoirs of 3D printers with liquid printing technology.
DOPAG provides automated potting solutions for variuos applications - two practical examples!
CTO Daniel Geier talks in the interview about challenges in automated dispensing technology.
DOPAG presents a production cell, that could be used for greasing and oiling applications. Disocver also valves for contactless material application.
Metering and mixing systems are necessary in various applications in rotor blade production. DOPAG presents its solutions.
The household appliance manufacturer Amica uses an invidual glue dosing system from DOPAG for the production of oven doors.
With dynamicLine, the metering technology manufacturer DOPAG presents a new dynamic mixing system for a wide range of applications.
DOPAG developed a special dosing system for the automated lubrication of gas springs.
Individual grease and adhesive dispensing systems from DOPAG guarantee highest quality electric parking brakes.
The new issue of the customer magazine exact reports on the development and production of our metering valves and pumps. We also visited two DOPAG customers on site.
- DOPAG presents metering components at Motek 2024
DOPAG will be presenting its solutions for processing lubricants, adhesives and sealants at the trade fair in Stuttgart from 8 to 11 October. Customers can experience the dispensing…
Users of the new powerful piston pumps benefit from a customised configuration, user-friendly operation and high production reliability.
Discover metering and mixing technology from DOPAG especially for the production of rotorblades and renewable energies.
Visit Elecrama and get to know more about our solutions for metering, mixing and dispensing of 2K materials.
Individuelt konfigureret måleteknologi
Absolut præcision, pålidelighed og reproducerbarhed - de tekniske krav inden for højt automatiserede produktionsprocesser vokser konstant. Det stiller store krav til doseringsteknologien, da den anvendes i stort set alle industrielle applikationer og brancher, lige fra smøring af komponenter i bilindustrien, limning og indkapsling af elektronik til påføring af pakninger i emballageindustrien.
Vi støtter virksomheder fra en bred vifte af brancher i denne udvikling og hjælper dem med at opnå langsigtet succes med innovativ doseringsteknologi. Nøglen til dette er den individuelle konfiguration af doserings- og blandingssystemet. Den eneste måde at garantere en stabil produktion på er at have et system, der er skræddersyet præcist til anvendelsen og materialet. Vores eksperter vil derfor undersøge din anmodning grundigt og gennemgå alle detaljer med dig individuelt. Hvis det er nødvendigt, kan vores ingeniører udføre materialetests, prøveudtagning og detaljerede konsultationer i vores eget tekniske center. Resultatet er et målesystem, der er skræddersyet præcist til dine specifikke behov. Vores kunder omfatter operatører af doseringssystemer, systemintegratorer eller andre producenter af doserings- og blandingssystemer, som ønsker det højeste niveau af kvalitet og præcision i deres doseringssystemer.
Den rigtige doseringsteknologi til enhver applikation
Vi leverer komponenter samt 1K-doseringssystemer og 2K-doseringssystemer til alle applikationer fra en enkelt kilde. Vores doseringsteknologi er velegnet til smøring, limning, tætning, indstøbning og pakning. Vores systemer behandler en- og tokomponentmaterialer. Det omfatter dosering af smøremidler, polyuretaner, epoxyharpikser eller silikoner med forskellige egenskaber. Vores doseringssystemer er velegnede til materialer med lav til høj viskositet samt til pastøse og slibende medier. Vi tilbyder også en bred vifte af komponenter, som kan sammensættes modulært. Det omfatter tromlepumper og tøndepumper eller tryktanke til materialeforsyning. Dispenseringsventiler og doseringsventiler muliggør præcis påføring af smøremidler, klæbemidler og tætningsmidler. Forskellige komponenter til test og kontrol garanterer høj produktkvalitet og reproducerbarhed.
Vi bruger stempel-, tandhjuls- eller excentriske skruepumper til at dosere og blande tokomponentmaterialer. Et tæt samspil med automatisering muliggør komponenttilførsel, forbehandling og påføring på én gang og uden behov for brugerindgreb. Produktsortimentet omfatter individuelle og linjeintegrerbare produktionsceller samt individuelle løsninger.
Konsekvente globale standarder inden for doseringsteknologi
Vi har omfattende ekspertise inden for maskin- og anlægsteknik og har produceret i branchen siden 1976. Vi udvikler hele tiden vores produkter og sætter de højeste standarder for kvaliteten af vores doseringssystemer lige fra produktionsfasen. Vi arbejder tæt sammen med materialeproducenter og har udført over 3.000 projekter i omkring 70 lande alene i de sidste ti år. Takket være vores verdensomspændende salg og service kan du implementere dit specifikke doseringssystem på tværs af alle vores anlæg. Med vores egne datterselskaber og partnere har vi en lokal tilstedeværelse i mere end 40 lande, hvilket sikrer, at dit individuelle system kan implementeres ensartet på dine produktionssteder i hele verden. Vores serviceteam yder også specifik, pålidelig support med forebyggende vedligeholdelse, reparationer, uddannelse og reservedele.